What we do

We share and apply proven solutions to drive tangible improvements using our broad-based industry experience.


How we help your business

By understanding and assessing those factors that create value and those that destroy value in your business, we identify improvement plans across all business functions. We help you:

Improve customer service and product availability
Develop inventory models and supply strategies that reduce working capital
Maximise forecast accuracy where accuracy matters
Use appropriate measurement hierarchies to drive transformational improvement
Increase productivity through proactive identification of issues and fixing of issues
Develop strategies and deploy tactics through the S&OP framework
Improve speed to market with accelerated pathways for product and service development
Structure and develop the competencies required in your planning and organisation

What we offer

Our approach is not what you might expect. We have overhauled the traditional and tired approaches to business redesign and knowledge transfer. We maximise efficiency and successful outcomes by delivering:

Inventory diagnostics and modelling
Performance benchmarking
S&OP deployment as a problem finder and solution tool, not a process in itself
Results through education, workshops and consultation across all elements of product, demand and supply planning
Modularized, short education and workshop sessions focused on the process redesign required and the knowledge transfer that rebuilds the competencies in your resources
Strategic planning facilitation

A day with Carrigan

Knowledge transfer that rebuild competencies is an essential element in transforming business performance. However, the days of one and two day long workshops are over. Overloading people with generic information belongs to a different era. Modern business and resource availability has rendered this approach obsolete. A typical day with Carrigan blends together elements of targeted education, workshopping, consultation and direct guidance.

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